11 Reasons to Book an Appointment

We get it. You’re tired of shopping in an Instagram scrolling fugue state and are ready to go out into the world, but aren’t quite sure in what capacity or exactly how things operate right now. Now you can check our calendar online and book your exclusive shopping appointment with us! And just in case you’re still slightly addicted to your IG feed, and need a little motivation to get out of your covid stay-at-home-funk, here are some of the best reasons to come see us. Rest assured, we are adhering to all Covid Preparedness Protocols (sanitizing touch surfaces and steaming clothing between each guest, and wearing these awesome masks).
- You need somewhere to go that isn't the grocery store. Because checking the toilet paper aisle (even if you don’t need any) used to be entertaining, but even that has lost its appeal.
- You love the people in your house, but you're tired of being with them and only them. If you stay any longer you’re going to start complaining about things like someone breathing too loudly. The situation is dire.
- You need an excuse to get your hair out of that bun that you’re pretty sure is one day away from becoming the way your hair looks permanently.
- You remembered we’re right next to Petite Marie Bette and you need a reason to get a prezzant (their sinfully good pretzel croissant) and it feels like a little more of an accident if you happen to be in the area anyway.
- It’s, um, 95 degrees outside and sticking your head in the freezer every two hours isn’t as exciting as soaking up the AC while looking at pretty dresses and fabulous sunglasses.
- You need an expert. As in, not your husband who hasn’t followed fashion in, well, forever. And not your kids either. If your daughter was giving you advice you’d be living in a big “vintage” Nirvana t-shirt and a choker.
- The world is beginning to open back up like a beautiful spring flower but you’re…not exactly ready for a whole garden. You want an experience that’s a bit more under control than the unknowns of restaurants and gyms.
- You need a breather between episodes of Normal People (cool down from the hot Irish couple’s dates) or Tiger King (sometimes it’s just too damn crazy) or even between old episodes of The Great British Bake Off (you can only stare at cakes for so long without wanting to eat 75 of them).
- You want to look at something without having to put on your blue blocker glasses. Even though you bought the chicest pair, you’re ready to see something sans screen.
- You miss our denim wall, that beacon of glass and denim that we stare at lovingly all day long. The sleek cubbies and neatly folded blue jeans that are comfortingly controlled and every time we see them, we can feel our anxiety levels drop and fantasize about how to wear every piece in there. That sweet spot between science and art, the cradle of organization…Ok, we’ll stop now, but you get it, we like it and we know you do too.
- You miss us. And we miss you too.